Sir Isaac Newton

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Mathematics
Isaac Newton The life of Isaac Newton could be divided in three basic sections. First his childhood from 1643 to 1669, which spanned his boyhood days to his chair appointment. Secondly from 1669 to 1687, which was a highly productive period when he was a Lucasian professor at Cambridge. Then finally consisting of the last period where Isaac was a highly paid government official in London. Isaac Newton was born in a manor house of Woolsthorpe, located near Grantham …

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…the true inventor of calculus was. Newton even wrote the official report of the committee, under another name of course, which was published by the Royal Society. Then after he wrote a review of these finding, again under an assumed name, which was published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. In reference to his rage, his assistant Whiston later wrote; "Newton was of the most fearful, cautious and suspicious temper that I ever knew."