"Sir Gawain and The Green Knight." By Sir Gawain

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Sir Gawain and the Green Girdle The distant effects brought upon by Sir Gawain keeping a Green Girdle are presented in the poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. There are several accounts where the main character, Sir Gawain, fights his inner human nature. Gawain is essentially a knight, and ultimately a human being that like all human beings, fears death. A green girdle given to him by a lord's lady in the end saves …

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…his fate at the death chapel, and it is the one possession that saves his life. The cause of his near death and Gawain's redeemed life is his choice to keep the Green Girdle. The effect of keeping the girdle is the true test of honesty, bravery, and courage, that in the end, makes him a "pearl, as pure and as bright as you had lived free of fault since first you [Gawain] were born."