Silence vs sound the paper is about the two movies made from the book dracula by bram stoker one was made in sound and the other was not

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Sound vs. Silence By: If you enjoy watching vampire movies like me you might want to see the movies Dracula and Nosferatu. Made in different times Nosferatu in 1922 Dracula in 1992 they both came from the same book Bram Stoker's Dracula written in 1897. The most apparent differences between the movies Dracula and Nosferatu are that one was made when films had no dialogue, no sound and the other was not. These difference, leads to a great …

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…shows the face of someone appearing to have seen death itself. In contrasting Nosferatu and Dracula, someone needs do just observe the films from the director's point of view. When this is achieved, it would be plain to see all of the differences, outside of the interpretation of the novel and things recognized to individual style, can be accredited to the fact that one director was forced to work without sound, and one was not.