Siblings relationship

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Since the emergence of developmental psychology, theorists and researchers have stressed the family's role in shaping the child's emergent social style, personality, and cognitive competence. Psychologists in doing so adopted an "idiosyncratic definition of family" (Lamb & Sutton-Smith, 1982) where the focus is on the parents and mostly the mothers. It took time to realize that most families contain two parents and at least two children. Along with this realization it was seen that children develop …

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…family relationships; they challenge and stimulate each other and are emotionally supportive to their brothers and sisters.. Older people who feel close to their siblings feel better about life and also worry less about aging than those without sisters or without close ties. Finally, it would be interesting to look at sibling attachment and dimensions of interpersonal relationships between siblings in later life since they have not been investigated as much as the earlier years.