Should there be restrictions put on modern advertising methods?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Information technology has changed our life enormously. It creates fast and flexible means of communication and one of the best ways to get in touch with the audience is through advertisements. Everywhere you turn there is some form of advertising taking place. Companies spend outrageous amounts to get the attention of the viewer and hold it long enough to increase interest in their products. If one product is more appealing, advertisers work on launching a …

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…it is true to say that advertising does provide certain benefits. However, it is hard to disagree that the drawbacks of a greedy, materialistic society far outweigh the advantages and we need to be careful not to lose sight of what is real and important- the spirit of co-operation rather than competition. It is in the interest of the whole society to open our eyes to distinguish the truth from fake hidden behind the advertisements.