Should the military reistitute a military draft?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Microeconomics Should the U.S reinstitute a military draft? <Tab/>I do not agree with the reinstitution of a military draft. In 1973 the military draft was lifted in the United States and with good reason. The United States should not rely on a draft to fill military vacancies but rely on recruitment. It is true that the military offers incentives and luxuries that some civilians could not afford otherwise such as …

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…not enlisted. Even if the military paid nothing, the country would still relinquish what he or she would have produced if not in the military. <Tab/>"National defense is an important government function; for rational decision-making, we mustn't permit concealment of its cost through measures like the draft." (Walter E. Williams). Works Cited 1.<Tab/>, Reinstating the Military Draft, Williams, 2004. 2., econdebate.