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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Film Techniques - Shine In the film Shine, Scott Hicks uses many different cinematic techniques to portray the remarkable events and turning points in the life of piano virtuoso, David Helfgott. Helfgott is an extremely difficult character to accurately represent. His strange and somewhat erratic behavior creates traits very difficult for an actor to display, but even harder for Hicks to direct. This makes this film such a benchmark for Hick's work. Shine was Scott …

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…at an extremely popular restaurant. In Shine, it is plain to see Hicks' took some risks with camera techniques, and you can be pretty sure much of the film ended up on the editing room floor. This is a good thing. The risks he decided to take definitely paid off. It is not often that we can appreciate an Australian film of this standard, just ask the Oscar selection committee, who gave Shine film 7 nominations.