Shakespeare (macbeth) Oral Assessment En2/Literature-this is my evaluation on what i did it the first few paragraphs is what i kind of mentioned when i had to stand up in front of me class!!!

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Essay Database > Literature
Shall I or shan't I is the question I used to start off my presentation which is what Macbeth thinks in his soliloquy in act 1 scene 5 which was followed by a little introduction about Macbeth and how he was ambitious in life. Continued from that I gave an outline of act 1 scene 5, which was the main part of the play I had focused on. "Un sex me" and "Come to my woman's breasts and take …

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…explain my thoughts and to give a quick review of the play. I would talk about a character then move onto a theme and then the symbol which might have been used for that theme and then my thoughts on it. The working process towards my presentation was quite difficult to start off with but by reading the book, making notes and retrieving help from others I began to understand Shakespeare's language a bit clearer.