Sensation and perception.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Sensation and Perception Evaluate These Statements 1.Colour television could produce better quality colour if they used more than three primary colours. (false) When we are watching television, light rays of different wavelengths enter our eyes. Among the three primary colours of red, green and blue, the mixture of lights occurs in our eyes. It is an additive mixture instead of a subtractive mixture. The three kinds of wavelengths are combined in different proportions to produce …

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…with perceptual constancies, we may perceive what we expect to perceive. For example, we know that a tomato is red in colour. So we still perceive red when it is put under yellow light. Moreover, a door's retinal shape should be a trapezium when it is opened, but we still perceive it as a rectangle door. These constancies are based on our knowledge and expectations much more than the basic features that we can see.