Seeing is Believing

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Truth; a concept that society has been continuously attempting to find, and once it does, it desperately attempts to redefine it, obviously, as they did not approve of what that truth, whatever it was, ended up being. It is in people's nature to attempt to hide aspects of reality, so that they can hide from the reality itself, and hopefully (though highly unrealistically) make their dream a reality. Unfortunately for those ill fated enough to …

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…Hazel? Who truly knew Ed, or Sally? No one. Through various forms of deception these people maintained their genuine self secret to all, and most of all, to themselves. All forms of trickery are hazardous to both offenders and victims, and ultimately lead to a lower sense of self, and a lower quality of life. Tricks should be, for all purposes, left to magicians, after all, no one wants to really be cut in half.