Science fiction story about a kid being abducted and never seen again

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
"R.J., wake up for work," Mrs. Garbini yelled from downstairs. It was Sunday morning, and R.J. needed to get up for his weekend job doing construction with his Uncle Joe. R.J. always enjoyed going to work. He and his uncle were very close, and they always had such a good time together. Construction was also something R.J. had enjoyed ever since he was little, even if it was just building something …

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…very frantic at this point. "When can I have my son back?" she asked. "Roo gows....rarry grever," it replied. (Who knows....maybe never) Mamimani then entered the room screaming something and hung up the phone on him. No one has heard from R.J., Mamimani, or Watinami since. I can tell you this much though, no one ever walks through those woods at night anymore, and the few that have also disappeared! The End