School-Wide Network - Benefits, Examples: PRO

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
A school-wide network is the connecting of all the computers within the school. A school-wide network having the Windows 2000 operating system can help an administrator, a student and a teacher. There are many benefits for the administrator. One benefit is having the power to install things into a network. Instead of having to go to every individual computer an installing the software all the administrator has to do is do it over the network and …

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…someone else's work from their computer a teacher and administrator will know this. A student can play games over the network if he wanted to with his friends. That is a big benefit for a student. A student can also transfer information to another student who needs the research material for a project without using floppies or zip disks through a two-way trust. A two -way trust helps students pass on information to one another.