Schoenber's response towards the necessity of Progressive music

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
The eighteenth centuries are reasonably described as an era of musical common practice, when composers of different nationalities and temperaments nonetheless wrote music that was stylistically and structurally similar in important respects. however, in contrast, the twentieth century has been a period of great and increasing diversity of both style and structure. More specifically, music criticism has divided twentieth century music into two opposing groups; the neoclassical and the progressive.This view has remained influential …

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…chance for introducing the true modern music to the public. Some of hos works were written mainly for the performances, 'Pierrot Lunaire' is a good example. In order to create the characteristic of the twentieth century music, Schoenberg adopts the methode of music by his predecessors, but in different context to the neoclassicism. The requirement of certain method or technique and the analysis of the early music enabledto form a continuous line of the progress.