Schizophrenia -- Defines the disease and goes over the types, symptoms, treatments, detection methods and a few other things. I have also included the works cited.

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Schizophrenia is a mentally disabling disease causing patients to lose touch with reality. Exactly what schizophrenia is has been disagreed on by a number of psychologists. There are so many conditions under the name of one disease. Usually, patients are not able to make sense of the signs and messages in the world around them. They tend to imagine an object as something completely different from what it really is. Eventually schizophrenics will draw themselves …

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…the disease once it establishes itself. That factor is the stress, stressful changes, hostility, and over emotion in one's daily life. Research shows schizophrenia patients with a less stress in their lives have less severe cases, and patients with a more stressful life are more plausible to relapse. Works Cited Branca, Barbara. "Schizophrenia." Diseases. Volume 7. 1997 Newton, David. "Schizophrenia." Sick! Diseases and Disorders, Injuries and Infections. Volume 4. 2000 Oldendorf, Donna. "Schizophrenia." The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Volume 4. 1999.