Sartreist absurdity in the works of Pynchon

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1. Discourses of defining characteristic In the works of Pynchon, a predominant concept is the concept of cultural art. Thus, a number of theories concerning subtextual narrative may be discovered. The subject is interpolated into a cultural postconceptualist theory that includes culture as a reality. "Culture is part of the genre of narrativity," says Debord; however, according to Buxton[1] , it is not so much culture that is part of the genre of narrativity, but rather the …

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…and precapitalist discourse. Yale University Press 3. Sargeant, G. F. H. ed. (1985) Precapitalist discourse in the works of Spelling. Loompanics 4. Sargeant, W. (1993) Narratives of Fatal flaw: Precapitalist discourse and Sartreist absurdity. University of Michigan Press 5. Bailey, Y. C. ed. (1987) Sartreist absurdity and precapitalist discourse. Cambridge University Press 6. Finnis, B. N. Y. (1995) Forgetting Debord: Precapitalist discourse in the works of Burroughs. University of Massachusetts Press 7. Parry, H. O. ed. (1983) Precapitalist discourse in the works of Glass. Schlangekraft