Salvador Dali and his surrealist movement.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dali was born 11 May, 1904 in the small town of Figueras in the Province, Catalunya. His first name had previously been given to a boy who had died in infancy. He was often aware that he was the second Salvador. Three years later, a sister was born named Ana Maria. He was a difficult child and refused to conform to family or community customs. Dali received private art lessons in Figueras, and later …

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…care whether he is good or not. I think that is very admirable and something I would like to achieve because I am always worrying about if it is good or not but I should just be enjoying myself and expressing my feelings. In conclusion, in the future I think I would like to try to paint like Salvador Dali, because I would like to paint the way I think, which is crazy and bizarre.