Sales efforts - Buying Situations - Problems with bad sales teams

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Outline what you believe to be wrong with the sales efforts at Gardnov Ltd. 1. The diverse nature of the buying situation means that there are many different types and functions of selling. In the case of Gardnov Ltd., the sales efforts and practises do not seem to be in place and functioning effectively. The problems seem to begin with the advertising of the businesses products and the distribution of its' catalogues. The present system involves …

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…Per V. Freytag and Svend Hollensen suggest, "The employees have to understand and be willing and able to change their way of thinking, and the whole organisation has to support the actions taken"(5). Therefore in conclusion, I have mentioned many approaches that Richard Booth could adopt to improve the business. Other more complex and long-term recommendations could be to expand abroad. This however would take a great deal of initial research, investment and finally, risk.