Safety Culture and Profit: Aviation's Continuing Organizational Dilemma

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Safety Culture and Profit: Aviation's Continuing Organizational Dilemma Abstract The safety vs. profit organizational dilemma has been a prominent trademark of the airline industry since its inception. This paper critically analyzes and compares two sets of management styles; one that propagates a pathogenic organizational and safety culture and another that exemplifies the proper balance of safety and profit while maintaining a high level of job satisfaction for its employees. Case examples are used to illustrate …

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…Sons. von Thaden, T., Wiegmann, D. A., & Shappell, S. A. (2004). Measuring organizational factors in airline safety. Technical Report AHFD-03-11/FAA-03-3. [Electronic version]. Retrieved November 12, 2004 from Wiegmann, D. A., Zhang, H., von Thaden, T., & Mitchell, A. (2002). A synthesis of safety culture and safety climate research. Technical Report ARL-02-3/FAA-02-2 [Electronic version]. Retrieved November 12, 2004 from