Sadam Hussein.

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
Saddam Hussein is known to many as a sadistic tyrant. Few know that he received an award from the UN for his superior literacy programs. In Arabic, his name means, "The one who confronts." He was born in Tekreet in April 1937. His father died and his mother soon remarried. As a boy, Saddam's step dad beat him regularly. He grew up poor, not even owning a pair of shoes until he was twelve years old. …

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…the armed forces. The gulf war humiliated his country but made him feel like he was finally an important world leader. He murdered the Iotola, the leader of Iran. He killed the Iotola sister and had her raped in front of her brother before killing him too. He waged war over Iran but left with gaining nothing, still feeling victorious. In 2003, the United States declared war on Iraq and Saddam has since disappeared from sight.