Rubin Hurrican Carter

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
Rubin "Hurricane" Carter was born on May 6th, 1937 in Clifton New Jersey. He grew up in a poverish area where crime was prominent. He was arrested as a child for stabbing a man who he claimed was trying to molest his friend. He would spend his youth in a juvenile detention center. Eventually Rubin left the detention center and joined the army. This is where he first learned to box. After arriving in New Jersey …

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…excitement, and the book The Sixteenth Round is bias toward Rubin so it is hard to get undisputable facts regarding his case. The technicalities involved in the United States criminal justice system eventually led to the release of a man who has had a history of violence. Wether he is innocent or not may only be known by Rubin and Artis but the debate whether his trial was unfair or not was proved on November 7, 1985.