Rhetorical Strategies of Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
Ever since he was born, Tocqueville had been exposed to politics and government. His father was the mayor of Verneuil, which was where much of Tocqueville's childhood was spent. As he grew up he took courses in law, which eventually aided him in writing Democracy in America. While on official business to view the American penal system, Tocqueville got his first taste of democracy. When the twenty eight year old de Tocqueville returned to France …

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…compare and contrasting along with strict adherence to purpose and audience Tocqueville is able to write an inspired analysis of America's democracy. Readers of Democracy in America formulate their own (almost always positive) opinions about a democracy, which is a useful tool for persuasion. Surely due to Tocqueville's expert technique in the use of rhetoric and persuasion, most scholars believe Democracy in America to be the most intensive study of the American government ever completed.