Review of President's Council of Bioethics Report

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
After completing the reading from Taking Care, Ethical Caregiving in our Aging Society, by the President's Council on Bioethics, I couldn't believe that I had already faced this same topic before. I have a sociology class that discusses this problem practically everyday. We talk about the future and what it holds for society. It was nice to see that other people are wondering the same thing. First is the idea of "Aging and Contemporary Society". …

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…growing old peacefully for us. Our generation will not only struggle to live, but struggle to die too. All of our savings will probably go to our own medical costs because Medicare and Medicaid will vanish. We will not be able to retire because there will be no social security to draw. Who will take care of us when all of this takes place? Will our children have to face the same problems we are?