Response to Lois Tilden's "Sleep, My Little One." A response to a short science fiction story about a world that never sleeps - literally - and the probility of such a future.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"Sleep, My Little One" is a science fiction story that has the same general prediction as many speculative and science fiction stories; the degradation of the quality of life. This story, however, focuses on a much overlooked luxury: sleep. In "Sleep, My Little One," Lois Tilden predicts a day when science has found a way to end a need for sleep. Instead of sleeping for eight hours, all that is needed is a thirty minute …

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…about the quality of the time, and more about the quantity of it. Most people cheat sleep as much as they can as it is; when was the last time you slept for 8 hours at night? In an age of coffee, no-doze, and 24 hour stores we march valiantly into an age when mankind is slowly yet surely stripped of its creativity and emotion and forced into the same mold as a computer and a robot.