Respecting The rules: The disagreement with the don't ask, don't policy.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Respecting The Rules The U.S. Army Forces are currently under the "don't ask, don't tell" policy, which governs the conduct of homosexual personnel. " The policy allows gay people to serve in the military if they keep their sexual orientation confidential; it also restricts the military's right to pursue information about a service member's sexual orientation"(Williams 106). In most of the armed forces the policy is only enforced half the time. Military officers refrain from …

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…in the military haven't and may not be resolved anytime soon" (Gays in the Military p.2). Sexual orientation is a personal private issue and not one that finds the middle ground with national security. The right is noticed that homosexuals can freely express themselves; however, if free expression will not compromise with the strength of the American Military force, then it is their duty to abide by the policy until a better solution presents itself.