Report on the bionic ear and why it is made out of the materials it is made from.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
Bionic Ear The bionic ear (cochlear implant) is an artificial hearing device designed to help hearing impaired and profoundly deaf people. Parts of the bionic ear are implanted into the skull other parts are worn on the out side of the body, the internal par t is called the head set. The headset consists of a 22-channel stimulator that is held in a titanium capsule with platinum electrodes which is inserted into the shell-like structure …

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…of the cochlear implant could get caught on thing and it would be annoying having something in your pocket all the time. The advantages are that if you couldn't hear bore you now can, and if you could hear before then you would be able to hear greatly clearer. References: Websites Books The dictionary of Australian inventions and discoveries Fact and Future