Report on endangered species; The Wandering Albartross. general information about most aspects of its life, habits, etc. incudes arguments for and againsts its protection

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
Petrels are some of the few birds to have mastered the dangerous Antarctic oceans. The biggest and perhaps most famous of all the petrels is the Wandering Albatross, a bird which may spend several months or even years travelling the oceans without ever coming to land. The great oceans around the Antarctic are rich in food supplies, which enables birds such as the Albatross to survive there even in the most freezing months. The upwelling …

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…warn people that once an animal is endangered it is extremely hard to repopulate and produce more numbers of this species and make it clear, that once an animal is extinct it is gone forever and will never exist on the face of the earth ever again. <Tab/>That people, is what I think should be done to help save animals such as the beautiful, most original and magnificent Wandering Albatross.