Report on Tuberculosis

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
Tuberculosis is a communicable chronic disease caused by the organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease primarily affects the lungs and causes pulmonary tuberculosis. It can also affect intestine, meninges, bones and joints, lymph glands, skin and other tissues of the body and hence causes secondary tuberculosis. Anti tuberculosis Drugs: There are many types of drugs for treating tuberculosis (about 12 or 13 drugs) of which 6 are considered to be essential. An antitubercular drug should satisfy the following criteria: …

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…on DOTS-Plus for MDR-TB, in order to minimize the risk of creating drug resistance to second-line anti-TB drugs *<Tab/>Before launching DOTS-Plus pilot projects WHO Member States are strongly recommended to consult WHO *<Tab/>With the coordination of the Working Group on DOTS-Plus for MDR-TB and a partnership with industry, the price of second-line anti-TB drugs have fallen considerably, making these drugs more accessible to the poor.