Religious Tolerance After September 11th.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
After September 11, 2001 it became obvious that our country would experience many changes in foreign policy and security measures. One change that perhaps was not foreseen is the shift in religious tolerance, particularly the conflict between Muslims and Christians, or more specifically, extremist Muslims and uninformed Christians. Unfortunately, terrorist actions taken by extremist Muslims have imparted upon many Christian Americans negative views toward all those practicing Islam. Our country is made up of many different people …

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…terrorism has caused in the U.S., and Americans, especially those with the power to make decisions affecting the rest of us, must act with patience and wisdom when dealing with those from a religion different than their own. The only way for Americans to distinguish between the true intentions of a religion and the intentions of extremists is to become informed about other cultures, and refrain from basing our thoughts on fallacy and stereotypes.