Reasons why Communism fails in Eastern Europe.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Communism in the Eastern Europe was a tragedy. It was condemned because the leaders misused it. It was lack of support from other nations, and there was no efficient solution to save the economy from its downfall. However, it was Gorbachev's reformation that truly brought Communism in Eastern Europe to its end. It proved that Communism in Eastern Europe was just a theory that did not work in reality. Originally, Karl Marx invented the theory …

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…sm in Eastern Europe, he certainly was the trigger. If he did not introduce the reformation nor refuse to help the other Eastern bloc communist parties, the regime may have survived a little longer. In conclusion, the collapse of the Communism on the Eastern Europe could be blamed on several factors: the lack of support from other nations, the lack of efficient solution to the economical failure, and the wrongful leadership of the Communist leaders.