Reality of the Brutality.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Reality of the Brutality How could a war that killed more people, destroyed more property, disrupted more lives, and probably had more far-reaching consequences than any other war in history be reenacted on screen? World War II was a war that hit home to many people, with battlefields stretching nearly across the world. Troops fought in the steaming jungles of Southeast Asia, in the deserts of northern Africa, and on islands in the Pacific Ocean. …

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…truths in life, but they ultimately fail to capture what actually happens in the real world. By adding resolutions to movies, we may see war shown in a completely different manner. A movie that would be dead on with the reality of war would be one without silver lining, or the comfort. People have the right to know the truth of war, and our country needs a good movie to show nothing but the truth.