Reading Books: Start reading to Your Child at an Early Age.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
The effects of reading books are numerous. Starting to read books on a regular basis at an early age has two effects, increased comprehension abilities and the promotion of vocabulary growth. Reading skills are essential to success in society today. The ability to read is highly valued and important for social and economic advancement. In today's society, parents should start the reading process as soon as possible, even while the baby is still in the …

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…child's mind for it to grow and develop. Just as a child's body needs nourishment and exercise to grow, a child's mind needs to be fed in order for it to grow and develop. That's why reading to babies and young children is so important. Sharing books with a child is an active approach to the learning of lifelong language skills and future success. After all, who wants to see their child not succeed? You?