Question 1) What is comercial purchasing Question 2) Give examples of which areas commercial purchasing is used in

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
Asssignment 1 - Purchasing Part 1 Commercial purchasing is " ..... that function responsible for obtaining by purchase, lease or other legal means, equipment, materials, supplies and services required by an undertaking for use in production" (Lysons). Also through the effective use of purchasing one would hope to add value to an organisation. The strategic importance of purchasing in a modern organisation cannot be underestimated. Whether an organisation realises it or not purchasing can have a very significant impact. …

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…what depth, how large an area there is to work in), therefor I imagine that procurement would often have to get custom made one off machines built, and without effective purchasing these would never be cost effective for the mine. I beleive that all of these examples have given a clear reason as to why purchasing is essential in all areas of business and commerce, with regards to reducing costs, and more importantly increasing revenue.