Question--For final exam. The big question with Sun Microsystems is whether or not it can make it through the rough times that the technology industry is being hit with. I was limited to 2 pages.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
The big question with Sun Microsystems is whether or not it can make it through the rough times that the technology industry is being hit with. Currently, Sun is in the business of two, somewhat different products, software and hardware. This immediately burdens Sun with the competition of multiple competitors, where most producers in this industry compete against only one. Sun's forte in the past has been there ability to build high quality servers, which …

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…in their server-based clientele. Instead, McNealy should look deeper into what brings home the bread. It isn't beating out you competition; it is pleasing and giving the customer what they want. Right now, they have what the customer wants, that is a very powerful server and a very functional operating system, but they have to sell cheap. I think that McNealy is simply looking over some very fundamental management skills and is working too hard.