Quebec Separatism. Francophones and Anglophones do not enrich each other.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Looking back on my childhood, I regret that I didn't learn more. I regret that I didn't seize every opportunity that came my way and I wish that I had paid more attention to my environment and the diversity of people around me. Because of this, I am grateful that I live in such a wonderful city where two very different cultures exist together. Mordecai Richler once said that Montreal is the most agreeable city …

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…learn about each other's cultures, I do not believe that the French and the English enrich each other. Cultures don't enhance each other because they don't interact. They build their own communities and live with each other, rather than assimilate with those that are not of their kind. We as Anglophones, react against intolerant ideas by rejecting French-Canadian language and culture. In retrospect, it is a lost opportunity for everyone to learn about each other.