Psychology; Stress and it's Impact on Health.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
Stress seems to be a common word in today's society, and the fact is we are under more stress today than we were just a few years ago, and this stress we are under can lead to serious health problems. Stress is defined as: the non-specific response of the body, to any demand made on it. From this definition we can see that we are always in some sort of stress, eustress is stress that …

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…all of this information, we can see why it is imperative to our health that we reduce stress whenever possible. It also shows us that stress is a major concern, however minor we feel the stress may be, we all react differently to stress, and we never know when that last little stressor may be the one that causes a heart attack, or allows the cancer call to start growing and multiplying out of control