Pros and Cons of Free Trade

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
Geography: Pros and Cons of Free Trade Few can contend that the world is more interconnected and interrelated more than ever. This web of interdependency is primarily made possible by trade, and in the twenty-first century, a large and significant portion of trade is conducted on a global scale. Furthermore, while the majority of people agree that free trade can benefit both parties in terms of economic development and an increase in overall production, many …

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…provisions. As a result, the growth in developed countries is much faster than economic development in third world countries (except east and southeast Asia). Free trade also has unequal consequences for the individual nation. Trading internationally can leave some people, especially blue-collar workers, worse off, even as it makes the country better off as a whole. Thus, the playing field is never fully equal to begin with because negotiating parties have different resources and needs.