Prolife Abortion Essay.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
Abortion is murder carried out by the mother. Women have many other alternatives besides abortion, but if the mother chooses to have one than she is killing her own child. Furthermore, a woman's body can be critically harmed by abortions. Moreover, when women have abortions, they abolish G-d's creations. Women show a lack of responsibility by receiving an abortion because they have other options. Most women decide to have an abortion because they would not …

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…alternative; however, they are not aware of the challenges they will face in the future. There are many procedures, such as suction, which may pose complications in a woman's body. There is a reason for every individual to be brought into this world, which mothers should appreciate. Mothers do not consider this matter seriously because they seek an effortless approach. There is a need for women to consider all the factors before making a decision.