Problems with Washington State at a local and state wide level.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
The United States needs to get off the high horse of world policing and take a look at The "Homeland." Stop passing judgment, assuming that countries have chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, or box knives. The United States needs to take some actions at home before they cross the ocean to pick fights with countries that have firecrackers instead of "chemical weapons." A few things need to be done, these include replacing the Supreme Court with …

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…ruler of the world. I know everybody talks about making that difference, running for public office. Running for office always sounds real good when I am drinking a few beers and discussing today's political issues. Is it so hard to realize that many people are upset with the way that the government is run at the local and national levels? Everything seems that it can be solved if government officials were to listen to us.