Pro-lifers should never use the word bortion

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Pro-lifers should never use the word "abortion." It's too soft a word. To begin with, it's the wrong terminology. The definition of abortion is the expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it is viable outside of the womb. In the wholesale killing of unborn babies that are done today, the fetus IS viable inside the womb. It has to be killed first. This is called a surgical, or induced abortion. Plain abortions, which are …

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…the impact that I see and I hope that they won't feel inconvenienced, (where have I heard that word before) by the extra words that describe the truth. Or, maybe they don't want to confront the PCKU with the truth, which might hurt their feelings. So if every death of an unborn baby saddens you and you really want to do more to save their lives -- now you know. Now you have no excuse.