Pro death penalty-california

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Supreme Court
Everywhere there is crime. There is no way to avoid it. Or is there? What if there was a way to strike fear in the hearts of the evil, demented people that commit these crimes? Well there is. The state of California needs to enforce the death penalty. Would someone risk his or her very own life to take someone else's? I definitely would not Not only will the death penalty make the murderers think …

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…future attacks happening. It also lowers the possibility of being attacked from other possible ways. Would a person reconsider killing someone if he or she knew there was his or her own death looming in the near future? As Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe says, "Those of us who favor death for murderers rely on history, on common sense, on an instinctive sense of fairness, and on a moral tradition stretching back to Sinai."