Privacy given away

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Pages: 8
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
Introduction Would someone's foraging your garbage for pieces of your information and fumbling your mailbox, a nuisance to you? What about someone going through your bag and wallet for a quick look? How about someone tailing you wherever you go, just like Web sites which keeps track of your every move and walk off with your personal information and use it as merchandise for business without your permission or any concern of invading into your …

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…most important. As much as consumer supporters and activists having idealistic goals to protect individuals and society from the effects of privacy loss, business leaders seeking to principally promote e-commerce growth would view fears in privacy as troublesome roadblock. Compromising in the middle is encouraging online markets development in personal information and give owners control over their personal information. References accessed on 15th Feb 2004 accessed on 15th Feb 2004