Privacy after Sep 11, 2001 in relation to George Orwell's novel, 1984.

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After September 11th 2001, America was changed forever. Many Americans had felt violated and stripped of pride after terrorists hijacked an airplane and crashed it into an American landmark. Not only did the citizens of the United States feel threatened but so did the government, and to prevent themselves from further exploitation the U.S. government created the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act was the government's way of invading the privacy of Americans and immigrants, legally. …

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…having our constitutional rights violated. As much as present day today can be compared to the novel 1984, we actually have a lot more rights than a communist state. Our government though has created the unfair Patriot Act which allows them to abuse our privacy rights. Even though it is important to protect our country from attacks like September 11th from reoccurring, it is not fair that our privacy must be sacrificed to secure such things.