Prisoners of War - Chapter 20 (part 2)

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Stacie came back to me as I stood in the back watching my brother be sworn in. "Are you ok?" She whispered. I just shook my head wiping a tear from my eye. I couldn't hear as good as I could sitting up there and was glad as I saw him slouched there, his eyes barley open. Dan could see this, and sighed approaching cautiously. "Uh, Anthony, you're the younger son of Melissa right?" He …

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…to the ground. He moaned feeling the bag being forced off of him as the pain spread and his pockets checked. The kid cursed not finding any wallet, opened the bag and laughed. Mike groaned and tried to turn but couldn't. The last things he heard as the darkness surrounded his vision were a gleeful laugh, a calm 'thanks' and the loud bangs of the kid's shoes hitting the pavement, getting farther and farther away...