"Pride and Prejudice" - discusses the difference between Lady Catherine and Elizabeth Bennet.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
In Jane Austen's novel, Pride and Prejudice, Lady Catherine and Elizabeth Bennet are absolute opposites. Jane Austen portrays Elizabeth Bennet as an intelligent, independent, yet strong character, in a soft and feminine manner. The cruel and dominating personality traits are left for characters such as Lady Catherine. In Jane Austen's novel, Pride and Prejudice, Lady Catherine and Elizabeth Bennet are absolute opposites. Elizabeth is a realistic and masterful character, which makes all her qualities of …

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… completely lack the capacity for reflection and self-awareness, while Elizabeth masters these traits and is able to use them to strengthen her personal traits. The two personalities of Lady Catherine and Elizabeth are so offset that it creates a feel of constant hostility between the two characters. Jane Austen's novel, Pride and Prejudice, represents the qualities of independence and lack of self-awareness between the two characters, Lady Catherine and Elizabeth Bennet, who differ completely.