Presence of American Exceptionalism in colonial times throught the mid-nineteenth century, as a source of racial prejudices and belief in white superiority. includes footnotes

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The Progression of America Since the colonial period, the concept of "American Exceptionalism" has evolved and shaped the United States into what is become today. Unfortunately it was through extreme trends of exceptionalism that our country has learned the most from and later were responsible for making the U.S. the great nation it is today. Various institutions established in our country's past show strong ambition on the part of the nation's leaders, but also …

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… 4 - Olaudah Equiano, "The Life of Gustavus Vassa," 5 - Thomas Jefferson, "Notes on the State of Virginia," 6 - "The Declaration of Independence," 7 - John L. O'Sullivan, "Manifest Destiny" (1839),