Power To Revoke

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
Whether a passport can be revoked or not has been a major question since the mid- 1800's. Haig v. Agee is a landmark Supreme Court case charging that the Secretary of State can not revoke a passport on the grounds that the power has never been granted by the Congress to the Secretary, and that revoking a passport violates the first and fifth amendments of the Constitution of the United States. Not only does the …

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…have none because he is committing treason by revealing secrets of the United States and by compromising national security. Congress may not have said exactly who has the power to revoke passports, but they did mention that the Secretary of state is the only person who can grant and verify them; Why wouldn't the Secretary of State be the only person who can revoke them? Sources: U.S. Supreme Court, HAIG v. AGEE, 453 U.S. 280 (1981)