Poetry Comparison between Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare and Funeral Blues by W.H. Auden

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Sonnet 116 was written by William Shakespeare (1564-1616). He was born into a middle-class English family in Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire, England. In 1588 he moved to London to become an actor and a playwright. During his writing career, he wrote 150 sonnets, as well as 38 plays. He is generally considered to be the finest poet and playwright in the English language. "Funeral Blues" was written by Winston Hugh Auden (1907-1973), Anglo-American poet, playwright, and literary critic. Auden was …

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…about what love is and the best parts of life is when we fall In love. William Shakespeare used his words very wisely in this sonnet as I find it very reassuring that one day I will fall in love and that I will remember that day for the rest of my life and it will be forever. But this all leaves me with one question........How will I know that I am in love??