Poetry Analysis of the poem "I, Too" by Langston Hughes.

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The poem I, Too, written by Langston Hughes, uses excellent language, vivid imagery and strong sounds to express the poet's feelings towards racism. I, Too is an anti-discrimination poem, which shows the injustice of racism. The poem is very effective because of its genuine emotions. The poem is situated in America and describes a black man's personal experience with racial discrimination. He is treated as if he is an embarrassment to the white people, and …

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…picture. The poem "I, Too," is a poem about discrimination. Through the unjust actions done to the man, the reader is shown how unequal privilege and decision making power is in American society. However, also through the man's strength and bravery, the reader can see hope in the world- hope that one day, all people will be equal. The poet's use of great imagery and sound helped to make this poem an effective anti-discrimination poem.