Physical Vs. Spiritual in The Awakening and Anna Karenina

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
We often find ourselves staring into the dark abyss of the recesses of our minds, only to come to the conclusion that our lives have distinguished no significant progress; however, there is that exquisite day on which we take the path less frequented, the day that decides the delineation of new and outrageous changes to our character. Humanity is distinguished by the ability to draw on these newborn revelations, and to make them a central …

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…stories of transformation. Chopin relies on the literal aspect of humanity to accompany her story of lust and instinct, while Tolstoy uses faith as a medium to fulfillment of spiritual longing. Each account of the human existence, and the desire that lies within, is a brilliant and guided work of art, entailing the common problematic existence of human nature. Tolstoy and Chopin define the way humans exist - whether by prayer, or simply by lust.