Phases of matter and vapor pressure.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
How do we describe phase changes? What are the phases of matter? The four phases of matter include: oSolids oLiquids oGases oPlasmas A phase change involves a change in the physical state of a substance from one phase to another such as: or vice versa oSolid- liquid oLiquid- gas oSolid - gas Solids The physical state of matter characterized by particles that appear to vibrate about fixed points. Particles of a solid (crystalline) are arranged …

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…energy at the expense of the other oThe average kinetic energy of all the molecules is proportional to the absolute temperature- in Kelvin degrees oAll of these assumptions in KMT of gases explain and predict the behavior and properties of gases oGases are fluids- they flow just as liquids do. Since the particles of a gas have no attractive forces between them to a particular configuration, gas particles are free to flow wherever the want